Welcome to Parvovirus-GLUE, a resource for comparative genomic analysis of parvoviruses, developed using the GLUE software framework.

Parvoviruses (family Parvoviridae) are a diverse group of small, non-enveloped DNA viruses that infect a broad range of animal species. This family includes several pathogens of humans and domesticated animals, as well as viruses being developed for therapeutic uses.

GLUE is an open, integrated software toolkit designed for storing and interpreting sequence data. It supports the creation of bespoke projects, incorporating essential data items for comparative genomic analysis, such as sequences, multiple sequence alignments, genome feature annotations, and other associated data.

Projects are loaded into the GLUE "engine," forming a relational database that represents the semantic relationships between data items. This foundation supports systematic comparative analyses and the development of sequence-based resources.

Parvovirus-GLUE contains genome feature definitions, multiple sequence alignments, and annotated reference sequences for all parvovirus species included in the most recent ICTV report.

This Parvovirus-GLUE project can be extended with additional layers, openly available via GitHub, including:

Please see the User Guide for more details.


This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v. 3.0.